About Turkish Coffee & Tea

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Turkish Coffee

    1.   Preparing Turkish Coffee makes you more Patient
Turkish Coffee is prepared slowly. It usually takes around 5 to 10 minutes to cook Turkish Coffee. Since you need to be holding the Turkish Coffee Pot while preparing, it is an enjoyable process which also helps you to be more patient.
    2.   Turkish Coffee makes you Take a Break and Enjoy Life
During your busy daily schedule, the hardest thing is to take a break and enjoy your coffee. When you have a regular coffee, you can drink it while working, walking, even while driving. But Turkish Coffee makes you to take a break from your daily tasks, and enjoy the taste.
    3.   Turkish Coffee makes you Socialize
Turkish Coffee is all about socializing. It’s been a tradition for centuries to gather with family and friends to drink Turkish Coffee. At a business meeting or family gathering, offering Turkish Coffee to your guests is a great way to socialize and start the conversation.
    4.   Turkish Coffee keeps you up and running
Being stronger than regular coffee, Turkish Coffee will increase your energy level. When you need to work long hours, or feel tired, having a cup of Turkish Coffee will increase your energy level, and it will keep you up and running.
    5.   Turkish Coffee makes you become Healthier
Turkish Coffee is usually consumed after meals. Drinking a cup of Turkish Coffee after a meal along with a glass of water will help with the digestion process. Turkish Coffee is also known as an anti carcinogen.

What could be more Turkish than coffee?

Tea, actually.
When the Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1923, the Turks lost Mocha and suddenly coffee was an expensive import. Bereft of the traditional high-octane stimulant, Turks turned to tea (çay).
What beer is to a Bavarian, tea is to a Turk. Çay (CHAY) oils the wheels of commerce, government and society. It is served everywhere, anytime, in tiny gold-rimmed, tulip-shaped glasses accompanied by two or three huge lumps of beetroot sugar.
A Turk's first question is Nasilsiniz? (How are you?) The second inevitably is "Some tea?"

Turkish coffee is more famous, but Turkish tea (çay, CHAH-yee) is the national drink, brewed from leaves grown on the steep, verdant mountain slopes of Turkey's eastern Black Sea coast.

Traditionally, Turkish tea is brewed samovar-style, with a small pot of very strong tea kept hot atop a larger vessel of boiling water. Pour a small amount of strong tea into a little tulip-shaped glass and cut it to the desired strength with hot water.(Tom Brosnahan-Sunday Telegraph (London))

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